Tell them you remember by sending Roses Bouquet
Missing someone? Want to tell how much you love and miss them? Send them a flower bouquet. And not an ordinary one, we say! Choose our specially customized bouquet that has 27 red roses surrounding 3 white roses in middle. Red symbolizes love and white is for peace and care. That is why we came up with such a lovely combination. It is a perfect gift to someone you love and convey that you remember them. There has to be no particular occasion to gift someone. Our bouquet can cheer up your beloved ones and make them feel extra special.
You can place your order for this red-white rose bouquet with us and we will deliver it to your desired person, anywhere in Sharjah. Don’t worry, the delivery is free! You can even personalize the bouquet by wrapping it with wrappers of your choice (from the ones available in our stores) and choosing a greeting card to match it. We would be also adding our own creative touch by adding tiny foliage and ribbons to it. We guarantee that the red and white roses with high quality and freshness are maintained until the package reaches its receiver.