30 White Rose Bouquet

AED 289


  • 30 White Roses
  • Hand Bouquet Arrangement
  • Delivery on Same Day

30 White Roses Hand Bouquet from Sharjah Flower Delivery

Elegance and purity shine in our 30 White Roses Hand Bouquet. This bouquet symbolizes love, purity, and new beginnings. It’s perfect for expressing heartfelt emotions, celebrating anniversaries, or making any occasion extra special. Whether you want to convey admiration, respect, or simply share a moment of beauty, this bouquet offers a timeless and graceful gesture.

We handpick each of the 30 white roses for freshness and flawless beauty. Our skilled florists carefully arrange the roses to create a balanced and sophisticated bouquet. The soft, creamy white petals bring elegance and refinement, leaving a lasting impression wherever the bouquet is displayed. The bouquet’s classic beauty suits any occasion, from weddings to significant milestones or even expressing sympathy and respect.

You can also personalize your gift by adding a thoughtful message on a greeting card. Whether you’re sending love, appreciation, or congratulations, your message will make the bouquet even more special.


  • 30 Fresh, elegant white roses
  • Carefully arranged in a hand bouquet
  • Same-day delivery in Sharjah & Ajman from 9 AM to 5 PM
  • Includes a personalized message on a greeting card

Celebrate love, beauty, and elegance with our 30 White Roses Hand Bouquet. Order today, and we’ll deliver your thoughtful gesture with care.

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