Product Description
Bouquet of 12 White Roses
The color white in itself is so pure and peaceful to look at. Imagine a bouquet of white roses and what kind of magic it will create on one’s feelings and mind. Our ‘12 White Roses’ bouquet looks classy, dreamy, and romantic. It is perfect for gifting your beloved, acquaintance, or an ailing relative. Our florists carefully create this lovely bouquet by arranging 12 fresh white roses close to each other, surrounding it with real foliage, and wrapping them in the delicate wrapper. White satin ribbons complete the entire look of the bouquet and make it more appealing.
According to us, this is a great gift package. With an affordable price tag and free delivery, this bouquet will bring complete value to the money and time spent on it. If you cannot find time to pick this order directly from our stores, then visit our online shop and place the order – we will do the rest for you. We will deliver the bouquet to your recipient wherever they are located in Sharjah. You can expect the delivery to be made quickly, within 3-4 hours of placing the order. The person who receives this white beauty will surely have a big smile on their face.