Pink Roses Bouquet

AED 340

  • 35 pink roses bouquet with gypsophila fillers suitable wrapping and ribbon bow.
  • Free message card included

A 35 pink rose bouquet is a stunning arrangement of fresh pink roses, beautifully bundled together to exude elegance and affection. It’s a perfect gift for birthdays, anniversaries, or to express love and appreciation. The soft pink color symbolizes admiration, gratitude, and love, making this bouquet a thoughtful gesture for your loved ones. Each rose within the bouquet radiates its unique charm, representing gentleness and grace. The sight of this mesmerizing ensemble brightens any space and touches hearts. It serves as a timeless gift for various occasions. Whether a romantic gesture or a token of appreciation, it conveys sentiments beyond words. As the recipient unwraps the bouquet, they are greeted with a sweet fragrance, enhancing the sensory experience and leaving a lasting impression. This symbol of love and admiration fosters connections and celebrates cherished relationships.

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