The light color flower bouquet is a beautiful blend of elegance and charm, making it the perfect gift for any occasion. This stunning bouquet consists of 25 flowers, including soft pink carnations and pure white roses, carefully arranged to create a visually striking and harmonious composition. Whether you’re celebrating a birthday, an anniversary, or just want to show someone you care, this bouquet will convey your feelings with grace.
Pink carnations symbolize admiration, affection, and gratitude, while white roses represent purity, innocence, and new beginnings. Together, these flowers create a meaningful and elegant message, perfect for expressing deep admiration or love. Each flower is meticulously selected and professionally arranged by our expert florists, ensuring that the bouquet looks beautiful and fresh.
Whether it’s a special occasion or just a thoughtful gesture, this bouquet is sure to impress. In addition, you will receive a free greeting card to add a personal touch to your gift.
Product Details:
- 25 flowers: pink carnations and white roses
- Thoughtfully arranged to create a stunning, balanced bouquet
- Free delivery in Sharjah & Ajman from 10 AM to 6 PM
- Includes a free greeting card for your personal message
- Pet safety caution: Some flowers may be toxic to pets
Order today and let us deliver this elegant light color flower bouquet with a heartfelt message right to your loved one’s doorstep!