50 Red Rose Hand Bouquet

AED 725


• 50 red roses of superior quality as a hand bouquet
• Off white or light pink wrapping as required
• Greeting card with the message is attached to flowers (Free)

“It is the time you have spent on your 50 red rose bouquet that makes loved ones so important”

As the name denotes, we can make a beautiful 50 red rose bouquet. It will make your loved one feel very special. We assured that the red roses are specially hand-picked and handled by experienced hands from the time it is ordered. Nothing is more captivating than being gifted with a huge bouquet of red roses. The red color signifies love, passion, and romance. So, gifting your beloved one 50 red roses will truly impress them at one go!

On another note, the 50 red rose bouquet is not only an ideal gift but also a great investment. It will bring good value for your money. Whether it is for a friend, associate or spouse, or any kind of occasion, the bouquet is perfect to put a big smile on the person who receives it. We have a dedicated team who can deliver this large delicate beauty right to your doorstep or anyone who wants it to be gifted. The rose bouquet can be ordered and delivered anywhere in Sharjah, at no extra cost. You can even personalize the bouquet by choosing its wrappers (from the colors available with us) and adding a greeting card to go with it.