18 Jul 20 By admin

Why Sending Gifts Bring More Satisfaction than Receiving?

We need to share the best things with others

Give and take; these are the two transactions between people especially in relationships. It is this exchange that fills their life. The specialty of this transaction in close relationships is that it does not include expecting some material or measurable benefit in return. But, it is sure that both the giver and the taker receive satisfaction if what is given is for the benefit of the other person. Thus, flower delivery to someone gives more satisfaction to the giver. The recipient feels the joy and keeps the experience in her memory reserves.

When we take initiative and act something different happens!

One who takes the initiative and gives has the advantage of making it a total surprise. It will be a different experience for both the giver and the taker. This action may be by the way of ordering a flower bouquet online for a surprise delivery to a home address. Sending a cake or chocolate box or even bigger or expensive items can be an act of fresh initiative by man or woman. Here, the sender takes the initiative and acts out of it. Thus the sender receives more satisfaction than the recipient.

Experience a Unique Feeling of Giving 

Giving flowers at the time of joy, sorrow or any other feeling can present a unique feeling to the recipient. It is more of sharing the same emotion or expressing compassion. This feeling brings satisfaction to the sender that he could do something to make someone feel better. He or she is opening up a way to heaven by giving the best things or just words.

Repeated Giving Makes you Rich in Mind

Doing or giving something regularly adds value and thus teaches the giver an art of giving. It is a regular reminder of abundance in life. While working to acquire material richness, gifts like flowers bring a spiritual touch to the relations. 

Sending flowers is nowadays not only a rich man’s method of giving. Any man or woman rich in mind can go online and ask for the flower delivery.

The Happiness from Giving is Just Powerful!   

The impact of giving, positive or negative is powerful and may stay forever. Happiness as a result of giving is an opportunity to grow stronger. It strongly energizes both the sender and receiver. So, our delivery man can surely say that he rarely sees any person who does not smile while receiving a flower bouquet. A few times, the recipient screams out of happiness while getting the flowers in surprise. The more joyful the recipient is higher the satisfaction for the sender.

Giving Improves our Social Respect

When you have the reputation of the giver, there is nothing more respectful than it. Whether you are giving to a person, family or society, it is sure to bring a lot of positive weightage. For example, an employer who sends flowers to an employee to appreciate her is actually earning respect and faith.

Let Us Give Something Today!

Not a day should pass without giving something to someone. In the family, workplace, flower deliveryorganizations, and society there are many opportunities to give and get satisfaction. This kind deed like giving flowers or chocolates may not cost a lot of money and effort. Therefore, we say that attitude of giving makes all the difference. Believe that it is for ourselves that we give actually.

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